Friday, May 8, 2009

Natural Wood Cleaner

Give your wood floors and furniture a lustrous shine with this simple, eco-friendly, easy-to-make wood cleaner. All you will need is:

1/2 teaspoon oil (Linseed and olive oils work great, but any oil will do)
1/4 cup white vinegar or lemon juice

Mix ingredients in a glass jar or empty spray bottle. Dab a soft cloth in mixture or spray wood surface and rub into wood using light, circular motions. For best results, do not pour product directly onto wood and always use a clean cloth.

For a thicker polish, add a teaspoon of beeswax to the mixture. Rub product into surface until shiny.

Label and store this cleaner. As long as you keep it sealed tightly, it will keep forever.

Remember that although the cleansers presented here are homemade and environmentally friendly, they must be properly labeled, kept out of the reach of children and stored safely at all times.

Test any cleaner in an inconspicuous place before use.
Drain Opener

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pet Care-Natural Remedy-Ear Infection

The acidic property of apple cider vinegar is considered effective in killing bacteria. This can help in treating ear infection. For this, you can soak a cotton ball in a solution of apple cider vinegar mixed in water. Then you may wipe your pet’s ear with the solution.

Please Note before Using Apple Cider Vinegar!

You may not want to use apple cider vinegar in case your dog or pet is suffering from an allergy or have chronic yeast infection. It can aggravate the problem. You may want to consult a doctor before applying anything on your pet.

Natural Remedy-Pet Care-Apple Cider!

Apple Cider Vinegar for your pets smooth skin: It is suggested that the natural PH properties of apple cider vinegar can soothe your pet’s skin. You can take ½ cup of natural organic apple cider vinegar and mix it with equal quantity of purified water. The solution so prepared can be applied on your pet’s skin while giving a rinse.

Please Note before Using Apple Cider Vinegar!

You may not want to use apple cider vinegar in case your dog or pet is suffering from an allergy or have chronic yeast infection. It can aggravate the problem. You may want to consult a doctor before applying anything on your pet.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Apple Cider-Pet Care-Natural Remedy

For Skunk Odor: It is believed that the anti-bacterial property of apple cider vinegar can help in killing odor-causing bacteria in your pets. This can help in reducing skunk odor. You can prepare a solution by mixing in equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and apply the solution on your pet’s skin.

Please Note before Using Apple Cider Vinegar!

You may not want to use apple cider vinegar in case your dog or pet is suffering from an allergy or have chronic yeast infection. It can aggravate the problem. You may want to consult a doctor before applying anything on your pet.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pet Care-Apple Cider as a Natural Remedy!

Another use for Apple cider vinegar is for your pets skin problems: Apple Cider vinegar has been suggested that it can help in skin healing by reducing the damage caused by free radicals. This can help in treating dry itchy skin. You can bathe your pet in warm water. After rinsing your pet, spray a solution by mixing 1 part of apple cider vinegar with 3 parts of water.

Please Note before Using Apple Cider Vinegar!

You may not want to use apple cider vinegar in case your dog or pet is suffering from an allergy or have chronic yeast infection. It can aggravate the problem. You may want to consult a doctor before applying anything on your pet.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pet Care-Natural Remedies

Here is a few natural remedies for pet care using apple cider vinegar:

Apple Cider For Treating Fleas and Ticks: It is suggested that apple cider vinegar can acidifying your pet’s skin by making it less attractive to the fleas. This can help in protecting your pest from fleas and ticks. For this, you can wash your pest with a gentle shampoo. After rinsing him properly, spray a solution made by diluting apple cider vinegar in equal amount of warm water.

Please Note before Using Apple Cider!

You may not want to use apple cider vinegar in case your dog is suffering from an allergy or have chronic yeast infection. It can aggravate the problem. You may want to consult a doctor before applying anything on your pet.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Getting Rid Of Fruit Flys

Are you having a fruit fly problem! Need to get rid of them in a way that is environmentally friendly?

Find an empty 2 pop bottle. Fill the bottom inch with either fruit juice, apple cider, beer, pop, V8 juice,or vinegar along with a few drops of dish soap or cooking oil. The dish soap or cooking oil will break the liquid’s surface tension. So any fruit flies that attempt to land will get caught in the liquid. Place the bottle where the fruit flies are a problem.

Another option if no pop bottles are available is to make this trap instead. Take any size bowl and cover the bottom with either fruit juice, beer, soda, V8, apple cider, or vinegar along with a few drops of cooking oil or dish soap and then cover the top with plastic wrap. Poke several small holes in the wrap with a fork or thin knife and place the bowl in the area of infestation. The fruit flies will smell their way into the bowl and will be unable to escape.